Enough with All These Border Walls: Redrawing Disciplinary Becoming and Belonging
Time: Nov. 8, 2017, 9 a.m. - noon
Location: 304 Tolley Humanities Building

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.
Paul Prior (University of Illinois)
This workshop invites participants to consider the heterogeneous trajectories that become entwined in their own disciplinarity and then to use their autobiographical reflections to rethink relevant problem spaces in theory, research, and/or practice. In the first part of the workshop, Paul Prior has participants reflect about their own becoming and their engagements in disciplinarity. These activities are designed to encourage a critical re-narration of that becoming and a deeper awareness of the system of terms, tropes, and interests that constructs typical models of disciplines as walled, territorial, Herderian communities entered through the narrow passages of school curricula. The second part of the workshop explores implications for their theory, research, and practice of seeing disciplinary becoming and belonging as laminated assemblage rather than category membership.
UPDATE: This workshop has already filled to capacity. For more info, please contact pwberry@syr.edu.
Patrick Berry, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition