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Building a Publishing Pipeline: Concrete Strategies for Increasing Your Writing Productivity

Erin Furtak.jpg

Time: Dec. 11, 2020, 10 a.m. - noon

Location: Virtual

Sponsored in part by the CNY Humanities Corridor

Sponsored by the CNY Humanities Corridor

Erin Furtak (University of Colorado - Boulder)

Offered through the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), Furtak leads a workshop designed to help humanities scholars:

  • establish a sustainable daily writing practice
  • experiment with a tracking system to analyze where to focus your writing and research efforts
  • make a concrete action plan for moving several projects forward simultaneously
  • celebrate the process of moving your work from one stage of the pipeline to the next

Pre-registration is required and is only open to faculty and academic staff from the 11 CNY Humanities Corridor institutions.

Register by December 7.

Aimee Germain, CNY Humanities Corridor