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Repairing Catholicism: Strategies for the 21st Century

Time: Oct. 7, 2022, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Location: 304 Tolley Humanities Building

Part of the Syracuse Symposium

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.

Jamie Manson in suit jacket, shirt and vest, smiling, leaning against stair rail

Jamie Manson

Jamie Manson (Catholics For Choice)

In this practical, interactive workshop hosted by History & Political Science Professor Margaret Susan Thompson, Manson offers concrete advice and suggestions to those interested in transformative justice. It's an opportunity for long-time activists and those new to activism to talk about strategies, priorities, and effective means of engagement. 

Workshop participants are strongly encouraged to attend Catholic Women Speak—and Act: Repairing and Reclaiming a Progressive Faith-Based Vision, the evening prior, as a preface.

Syracuse University staff, students, faculty, and community members from all spiritual and faith traditions are welcome.

Space is limited; please register by 9/30/22 and include any accessibility accommodation requests.