18th Annual Syracuse University Human Rights Film Festival
Time: Sept. 25, 2020, 8 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Location: Virtual Event

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.
Landfall by Cecilia Aldarondo
(USA, 2020, Spanish with English subtitles)
Through shard-like glimpses of everyday life in post-Hurricane María Puerto Rico, Landfall reassembles a ruined world at the brink of transformation.
Use your syr.edu login at Blackboard to enroll in the Organization “SUHRFF – SU Human Rights Film Festival (1187.org)” for 24-hour access to each film on its featured date. Meet the filmmaker in a live Zoom session, also accessed through Blackboard.
UPDATE: Q&A with Cecilia has been moved to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26.
Download the official flyer or consult the festival website for further information.
This event is part of Syracuse Symposium’s year-long series on “Futures.”
Additional supporters:
- The Newhouse School
- Anthropology
- Art and Music Histories
- Citizenship and Civic Engagement Program
- Communication and Rhetorical Studies
- Democratizing Knowledge
- English
- Falk School
- Geography
- History
- International Relations
- Latino-Latin American Studies Program
- LGBT Resource Center
- LGBT Studies Program
- Native American Studies Program
- Office of Multicultural Affairs
- Political Science
- Religion
- School of Education
- Sociology
- South Asia Center
- Women’s and Gender Studies
- Disability Cultural Center