Adam Nocek: Distinguished Visiting Collaborator
Time: April 16, 2024, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Location: 304 Tolley Humanities Building

Sponsored by the CNY Humanities Corridor
Adam Nocek (Arizona State University)
With CNY Humanities Corridor support as Distinguished Visiting Collaborator, Nocek visits Gregg Lambert’s seminar, "Problems in Marxism: Perpetual Peace" (PHI 400) to introduce the Perpetual Peace Academy (founded by Lambert, organized by Nocek) and discuss student work related to the Perpetual Peace Project. Interested members of the campus community are welcome. Please contact Gregg Lambert to RSVP.
Related: On Friday, April 19th, Nocek joins the Corridor's Critical Theory - Continental Philosophy working group for a day-long symposium at Cornell University on The Contemporary Relevance of Perpetual Peace. Preview the conference program here.