Atelier 17: A Gathering Place for Avant-Garde Artists [Print Fair]
Time: Sept. 25, 2016, noon - 4 p.m.
Location: SUArt Galleries at Shaffer Art Building

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.
Atelier 17 was a collaborative print center located in Paris that had a major impact on contemporary printmaking. Organized and operated by Stanley William Hayter, the Atelier was relocated to New York City during World War II where it became a meeting place for European artists escaping persecution by the Nazi regime. These artists had a profound impact on American thinking about the graphic arts and helped usher in the Abstract Expressionist movement.
SUArt's series of events features guest speakers and print sellers Susan Teller Gallery, Dolan Maxwell, The Annex Galleries, The Old Print Shop and Thomas French Fine Art.
SYMPOSIUM DISCUSSIONS at Shemin Auditorium at Shaffer Art Building:
Friday, September 23, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 24, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Presenters include: Domenic Iacono (Director, SUArt Galleries), Joann Moser (Smithsonian Museum), Christina Weyl (Freelance Curator), Andrew Raffery (RISD Professor)
PRINT FAIR HOURS at Shaffer Art Building Galleria:
Friday, September 23, Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 24, Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 25, Noon to 4:00 p.m.
Presenters include: Susan Teller Gallery (NYC), Annex Galleries (San Jose, CA), Old Print Shop (NYC), Dolan Maxwell (Phila, PA), Thomas French Gallery (Akron,OH)
ONGOING (through May 2017)...
On display in SUArt Galleries' Print and Photo Galleries are two exhibitions that explore the 2016-17 Syracuse Symposium theme of "Place." Wanderlust: Travel Photography from the Syracuse University Art Collection investigates how artists from the late 19th century until today have been captivated by the potential of landscape images and its ability to transport our imagination whether the locale be exotic or not. Curated by exhibition and collection manager Emily Dittman, this display brings together historic albumen prints, travel albums, and contemporary black and white and color images from a variety of photographers working in the photographic medium over the past 120 years.
21 Etchings and Poems, a landmark publication that had a profound impact on contemporary art and culture, will be presented in its entirety in the Print Study Room. Curated by College of Visual and Performing Arts, Museum Studies graduate student Courtney Spencer Eppel, this exhibition presents twenty-one paired artists and authors to create unique works of art. The partnerships for this project included well-known artists and poets Peter Grippe and Dylan Thomas, Willem de Kooning and Harold Rosenberg, Letterio Calapai and William Carlos Williams, and Franz Kine and Frank O’Hara, among others. Many of the artist represented in this portfolio are also represented in the main gallery special exhibition About Prints: The Legacy of Stanley William Hayter and Atelier 17.
Principal Organizer: Domenic Iacono, SUArt Galleries