Designing Stories of Abolition and Coalition: Illuminating History in Central New York

Time: March 21, 2019, 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: Nancy Cantor Warehouse (Auditorium), 350 W. Fayette Street

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.
Jeffrey Ludwig (Seward House and Museum)
Peter Hyde (Peter Hyde Designs)
Andrew Saluti (SU Graduate Program in Museum Studies), moderator
How is our interpretation of history impacted by design? A new exhibition opening at the Seward House Museum in Auburn, NY tells the important story of the Seward family’s active role in the abolitionist movement, and highlights new findings about Margaret Stewart, Harriet Tubman’s niece, who the Sewards helped raise after Tubman brought her from Maryland in 1861. Dr. Jeffrey Ludwig, Director of Education at the Seward House Museum, and Peter Hyde, exhibition designer and principal of Peter Hyde Design, will use this exciting new exhibition as the foundation to discuss the collaborative process of telling stories and interpreting history through the exhibition design process.
American Sign Language (ASL) will be provided at this event.
Supporters include:
- Graduate Program in Museum Studies
- School of Design
- Syracuse University Humanities Center
Andrew Saluti, VPA / Museum Studies