Making Space: Minoritized Youth as Creators and Makers for Change
Time: Oct. 4, 2023, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: Gifford Auditorium, HBC

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.
Edna Tan (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
James Haywood Rolling, Jr. (School of Education, VPA)
Nick Piato (SU's SENSES Sound Lab)
Xiaoxia (Silvie) Huang (IDDE - School of Education)
This interactive lecture / demonstration focuses on ways that STEM-rich makerspaces and digital technologies can be generative spaces, particularly for minoritized youth. Immersive activities include a VR (virtual reality) 'cave tour' and digital audio production featuring student deejays, musicians, composers, and podcasters.
STEM-based knowledge is useful in creative expression, to foster community and belonging, and as a means to work collectively on “problems worth solving” (Tan, 2017).
Additional support for this Ganders Lecture in the School of Education comes from the Office of the Associate Provost for Strategic Initiatives.