Pandora Out of the Box: Countering the Conventions of Patriarchy

Time: Nov. 8, 2021, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Location: Shaffer Art Building, Shemin Auditorium

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.
Erin O'Hara (Composer)
Society for New Music and the College of Visual and Performing Arts welcomes composer Erin O’Hara, who combines feminist storytelling with punk music to bring the convention-breaking character “Lulu” to life in a re-scoring of the classic silent film, Pandora’s Box.
O'Hara also presents an open classroom discussion on Oct. 7 and a composer's seminar on Nov. 9 as part of her campus visit. The re-scored film is scheduled to premiere at 7pm, March 22 at the PAC, LeMoyne College.
This event is part of Syracuse Symposium’s year-long series on “Conventions.”
Neva Pilgrim, Society for New Music