Queering Sexy B(l)ack: Queer Youth and Pedagogies of Sexual Agency

Time: Feb. 9, 2017, 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Location: Maxwell Auditorium

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.
Edward Brockenbrough, Ph.D. (University of Rochester)
Despite growing concerns in recent years over the plight of queer students in American schools, efforts to make schools more responsive to the needs of queer youth continue to fall short of queer-inclusive sexual health education. For Black queer youth in particular, the limited access to sex education in public schools persists as the stakes surrounding their sexual health have intensified. This presentation will draw upon findings from multiple scholarly projects to explore how Black queer youth engage in pedagogical acts that nurture their sexual agency, and it will consider how P-12 educators and other select stakeholders can support Black queer youth and other queerly identified young people in ways that are culturally responsive and socially just.
Dr. Edward Brockenbrough, Associate Professor of Teaching and Curriculum in the Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester, focuses on negotiations of identity, pedagogy, and power in urban educational spaces, particularly through the lenses of Black masculinity studies and queer of color critique. Dr. Brockenbrough's visit is hosted by the School of Education within this year's Douglas P. Biklen Landscape of Urban Education Lecture Series.
Principal Organizer, Jennifer Russo, School of Education - Marketing