Digging Into Nature
Students and professors turn to art, architecture and storytelling to better understand the environment.

Professor Brice Nordquist believes environmental storytelling
can bridge the gap between science and the humanities.
Research, scholarship and creativity coexist and thrive at Syracuse University. While such work is on display in April, when the campus joins in the global celebration of Earth Month and Earth Day, studying environmental issues and developing sustainable practices is not limited to a single month. All year long, Syracuse students and faculty engage in creative endeavors, like architecture, storytelling and visual art, to forge new relationships with and fresh insights into our natural world.
As climate change impacts biodiversity and human welfare, professors like Brice Nordquist are looking at environmentalism through a humanistic lens. He’s co-founder of the Environmental Storytelling Series (ESS) of Central New York, addressing the climate crisis with creative events, programs, workshops and courses... [Read the full SU / Stories article.]