Humanities Center Fellowships and Grants Support Graduate Student Research in the Humanities
Syracuse University Humanities Center resources boost student projects

Deyasini Dasgupta (left) and Stephanie Jones
Since opening its doors in 2008, the Syracuse University Humanities Center has supported faculty and graduate student research that highlights the humanities’ relevance within and beyond the academy. Graduate students may apply for competitive Dissertation Fellowships and Humanities New York Public Humanities Graduate Project awards.
Dissertation Fellowships allow recipients to focus on finishing their writing without the demands of teaching. Fellows benefit from a support system within the Humanities Center, camaraderie with one another and presenting their work to an interdisciplinary audience. “Our support helps doctoral students complete their dissertations and succeed in the job market, whether in academia or applied settings,” says Vivian May, Humanities Center director.
This year’s Dissertation Fellows are Deyasini Dasgupta and Stephanie Jones. Read the full SU News article.