Uniting the Community in the Pursuit of Environmental Justice
The Environmental Storytelling Series of CNY brings together faculty, students and local community partners to address the climate crisis through creative outlets.

Students from Write Out attend a workshop with poet Vievee Francis at the Salt City Market as part of the Environmental Storytelling Series of CNY. (Photo: Katie Zilcosky)
How can everyday people make sense of climate change’s effect on the planet and human life? Through creative outlets like storytelling, interpretation and art, the humanities can demonstrate how environmental concerns are intertwined with social, economic and cultural issues. Addressing the climate crisis through a humanistic lens is a guiding principle behind the Environmental Storytelling Series of CNY, says co-founder Brice Nordquist, Dean’s Professor of Community Engagement and associate professor of writing and rhetoric in the College of Arts and Sciences... (Read the full SU News article.)