Writing Retreat Fosters Community
Faculty Research Gets a Boost with Comet A3, Beautiful Fall Weather, and Shared Purpose

October 2024 saw the 4th edition of the CNY Humanities Corridor’s annual writing retreat on the Syracuse University Minnowbrook campus on Blue Mountain Lake in the Adirondacks. From an initial pool of 76 applicants, we hosted 33 scholars over a beautiful and sunny autumn weekend. With clear night skies, many attendees caught a glimpse of both Comet A3 with its long tail as well as the Milky Way.
Participant Sarah Marlowe (University of Rochester) perfectly summed up the experience, “This retreat was exactly what I hoped it would be. It was productive: I was able to complete revisions for an article that has been accepted for publication, and it was nice to be able to dedicate a good amount of time toward completing that in a space where I could focus carefully... [Read the full CNY Humanities Corridor story.]