Repairing Catholicism: Strategies for the 21st Century
Time: Oct. 7, 2022, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Location: 304 Tolley Humanities Building

Part of the Syracuse Symposium series.

Jamie Manson
Jamie Manson (Catholics For Choice)
In this practical, interactive workshop hosted by History & Political Science Professor Margaret Susan Thompson, Manson offers concrete advice and suggestions to those interested in transformative justice. It's an opportunity for long-time activists and those new to activism to talk about strategies, priorities, and effective means of engagement.
Workshop participants are strongly encouraged to attend Catholic Women Speak—and Act: Repairing and Reclaiming a Progressive Faith-Based Vision, the evening prior, as a preface.
Syracuse University staff, students, faculty, and community members from all spiritual and faith traditions are welcome.
Space is limited; please register by 9/30/22 and include any accessibility accommodation requests.